
Active since 15 May 2024

Outcome Label


Sectoral Scope

6. Construction

This methodology provides a framework for the quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions associated with the production and installation of Foam Stabilized Base (FSB) and/or asphalt emulsions as substitutes for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in road construction projects located in the United States.

In this methodology, performance benchmarks have been established for the determination of additionality and the crediting baseline. These benchmarks are based on GHG emissions from the baseline scenario, which enables a measurement of emission reduction potentials through the substitution of FSB and asphalt emulsions for HMA.

Please note: 
  • Projects seeking to complete registration under VM0039, v1.0 must have requested listing on the Verra Registry before June 15, 2024, and complete validation by December 15, 2024.

Proposed Revisions

Development History

VM0039 Foam Stabilized Base and Emulsion Asphalt Mixtures in Pavement Application, v1.1 

Status: Active since May 15, 2024
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Reductions
Summary of Changes:

  • Update to the latest version of the VCS methodology template
  • Inclusion of a discount factor for upstream displacement of production and delivery of raw materials
  • Inclusion of the explanation on how the discount factor was calculated
  • Methodology renamed to VM0039 Foam Stabilized Base and Emulsion Asphalt Mixtures in Pavement Application

Tracked Changes Document: VM0039 Methodology for Use of Foam Stabilized Base and Emulsion Asphalt Mixtures in Pavement Application, v1.1 – Greenlined (PDF)
Developer(s): Verra
Dates of Public Consultation: N/A
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report(s): N/A – minor revision
Announcements: Verra Releases Revised Pavement Replacement Methodology

VM0039 Methodology for Use of Foam Stabilized Base and Emulsion Asphalt Mixtures in Pavement Application, v1.0 (PDF)

Status: Active from June 24, 2019 to May 14, 2024
Grace Period: Projects seeking to complete registration under VM0039, v1.0 must have requested listing on the Verra Registry before June 15, 2024, and complete validation by December 15, 2024.
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Reductions
Developer(s): University of Maryland (external), Chamberlain Contractors, Inc. (external), and Straughan Environmental (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: September 2, 2014 to October 2, 2014
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report(s): First Assessment Report for VM0039, v1.0 (PDF), Second Assessment Report for VM0039, v1.0 (PDF)