Inactive 11 September 2023
Outcome Label
4. Manufactoring industries
7. Transport
Verra has inactivated this methodology in accordance with Section 5 of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process v4.3 (PDF), given that no projects using the methodology have been registered within five years of the last update or review. See the announcement, Verra Conducts Quality Review of VCS Methodologies, Inactivates 10 with Low or No Use, for more details. The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months in accordance with Section 3.21.3 of the VCS Standard v4.5 (PDF).
This methodology quantifies the GHG emission reductions achieved by substituting a sulphur product for a proportion of the bitumen binder used in conventional hot asphalt paving.
Using a sulphur product in place of a portion of bitumen binder reduces required quantities of aggregate and bitumen, reduces fuel usage due to lowered mix production temperatures and reduces emissions from the hot mix plant stack and paving. GHG emission reductions arise, primarily, from the avoided production of a proportion of the asphalt binder used in conventional asphalt paving mix and, secondarily, from reduced consumption of fossil fuels due to lower mix production temperatures. GHG emission reductions may also arise from avoided fugitive emissions of methane associated with the handling and storage of asphalt.
Development History
VM0030 Methodology for Pavement Application using Sulphur Substitute, v1.0
Status: Active from 15 May 2015 to 11 September 2023
Grace period: The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months from the date of inactivation.
Developer: Shell Malaysia
Dates of Public Consultation: 5 January 2012 to 3 February 2012
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: VM0030, v1.0 First Assessment Report (PDF), VM0030, v1.0 Second Assessment Report (PDF)