Active 21 December 2021
Outcome Label
15. Livestock and manure management
This methodology provides procedures to estimate enteric methane (CH4) emission reductions generated from the inhibition of methanogenesis through the introduction of a feed ingredient into ruminants’ diets. The methodology is globally applicable.
The revised Version 2.0 of the methodology expands the applicability conditions to include any type of feed ingredient approved for animal use and with scientific evidence demonstrating its efficacy. The revisions also increase the stringency of the procedure by which project proponents establish the enteric methane emission reduction factor to better reflect the latest best practices within the animal sciences field.
The revisions followed an alternative Methodology Approval Process. The revisions were prepared by an independent external expert and were posted for a 30-day public consultation. The methodology was circulated to the FAO feed additive working group and leading experts in enteric methane emissions. Verra’s in-house experts and a second, independent external expert reviewed the methodology to assess the revisions, determine whether the revised methodology is as rigorous as the previous version, and ensure that the revised methodology complies with the VCS Methodology Requirements. Given the number of experts involved in drafting and reviewing the revisions (including world-leading experts on the subject) and the technical nature of the revisions, the assessment did not include a review by a validation/verification body.
Please Note:
Version 1.0 of the methodology was put on hold on 15 November 2021.
Document History
Previous Versions
Assessment Reports
Public Comment
Version 1.0 was open for public comment from 28 February 2019 until 30 March 2019. Version 2.0 was open for public comment from 16 August until 14 September 2021. The public comment period is now closed.