Verra convenes a number of advisory or working groups and committees that provide strategic resources to support the development of its standards programs. Below, please find descriptions and member lists of current and previous groups.

- ©
- Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project, by Crystal Riedmann
The Blue Carbon Working Group (WG) explores key barriers and opportunities for blue carbon activities, in addition to identifying and prioritizing recommendations for how standards and their supporting methodologies and tools can drive finance to blue carbon activities.
The WG also examines key questions surrounding challenges that different types of blue carbon projects face, considers how to streamline/improve the existing Verified Carbon Standard Program requirements, and explores how non-carbon benefits, potentially assessed by other Verra standards, can unlock additional finance for blue carbon project development and implementation.
The multi-stakeholder group kicked off in January 2020 and is supported by an Ad Hoc Advisory Group that is occasionally asked to provide input on WG products.
Blue Carbon Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Blanca Bernal, GreenCollar
Steve Crooks, Silvestrum Climate Associates
Igino Emmer, Silvestrum Climate Associates
Steve Emmett-Mattox, Strategic Collaborations, LLC
Leah Glass, Blue Ventures
Jen Howard, Conservation International
Alexa Lord, Rewilding Company
Shawn McMahon, Aster Global
Ryan Moyer, TerraCarbon
Juan David Mira, South Pole
Stef Simpson, The Nature Conservancy
James Smith, WBCSD
Suraj Vanniarachchy, Macquarie Bank Limited
The Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Steering Committee is responsible for the governance, strategic direction, and ongoing development of the CCB Standards. The CCB Steering Committee ensures that the CCB Standards stimulate and promote land management activities that credibly mitigate global climate change, improve the wellbeing and reduce the poverty of local communities, and conserve biodiversity.
The CCB Steering Committee includes representatives from each Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) member organization and is co-chaired by Verra and the CCBA Secretariat.
John Drexhage, International Institute for Sustainable Development and Ecoresources
Tom Evans, Wildlife Conservation Society
Lex Hovani, The Nature Conservancy
Martin Noponen, Rainforest Alliance (alternate: Jessie Baker)
Agustin Silvani, Conservation International (alternate: Natasha Calderwood)
Verra’s DMRV Working Group (WG) explores key barriers and opportunities for using digital measurement, reporting, and verification (DMRV) technologies in the voluntary carbon market and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program.
The DMRV WG helps Verra identify important existing or emerging DMRV technology innovations, tools, and processes that have the potential to transform MRV for voluntary carbon market standards by increasing the accuracy, efficiency, and impact of carbon projects.
The WG discusses key themes around DMRV such as the development and use of digital projects and methodologies, guidance for and certification of DMRV platforms, and governance and oversight of a DMRV ecosystem, with a particular focus on how to implement DMRV innovations within the VCS Program. The multi-stakeholder WG was formed in 2022.
DMRV Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
David Baumann, Taking Root
Tom Baumann, Climate Check
Jeff Cohen, Xpansiv
Andres Espejo, World Bank/Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Diego Saez Gil, Pachama
Marley Gray, Microsoft
Kaiyu Guan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dmitry Halbouski, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Julia Hand, Sylvera
Kyle Hemes, Amazon
Peter Konijn, SustainCert
Flora Martins, EcoAct
Henri Neijhorst, Bowtie Technologies
Wouter Oostenheert, South Pole
Guy Pinjuv, Pachama
Carlos Silva, Pachama
Fred Stolle, World Resources Institute
Verra’s Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization (EWM) Working Group is a strategic and tactical resource to support the development of EWM methodologies and approaches. EWM is an approach to carbon dioxide removal that enhances natural rock weathering processes in land- or ocean-based systems. According to leading research, EWM has the potential to sequester several gigatonnes of CO2 in the coming decades and may play a significant role in mitigating global climate change.
Because of the relative novelty of EWM, Verra convened the group in 2023 to support the evaluation of the readiness, merits, risks, and safeguards of EWM activities and EWM methodologies in the Verified Carbon Standard Program.
Grace Andrews, Vesta
Wil Burns, Northwestern University
Elliott Chang, Eion Carbon
Greg Dipple, Arca Climate
Pierre-Philippe Dupont, Canada Nickel Company
David Fennell, Exterra Carbon Solutions
Andrew Harley, Ascension Soil Company
Tracy Johns, Meta Platforms Inc.
Pol Knops, Paebbl
Andrew Leitch, Ostrom Climate
Amy Lewis, UNDO
Dan Maxbauer, Carleton College
Frank McDermott, University College Dublin
Noah Planavsky, Environmental Defense Fund
Pete Raymond, Yale University
Akifumi Takigawa, Mitsubishi Corporation
Amy Zell, International Emissions Trading Association
The Forest Carbon Working Group (WG) explores critical barriers and opportunities related to the successful development and scaling of forest carbon projects. It provides recommendations on how Verra can enable and drive finance to activities that restore and protect forest ecosystems and improve the sustainable management of productive forests.
The WG also examines key questions surrounding challenges that different types of forest carbon projects face, considers how to streamline/improve existing forest management and REDD methodologies and tools, and provides thought leadership on the development of new tools, methodologies, and modules.
The multi-stakeholder group kicked off in October 2024 and meets quarterly. Short-term topical ad hoc groups will be formed to address specific issues that require detailed technical input and may include experts outside of the current WG members.
Forest Carbon Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Kevin Brown, Wildlife Conservation Society
Mary Kate Bullen, Forest Investment Associates
Andy Burt, Sylvera
Cristina Calatayud, Chloris Geospatial
Juan Chang, Permian Global
Ana Paula Dalla Corte, Federal University of Parana (Public National University)
James Daniel, Regid Carbon
Alexa Dugan, SCS Global
Leah Glass, Silvestrum
Tatenda Mapeto, Nelson Mandela University
Shawn McMahon, Aster Global
Flávia de Souza Mendes, Planet Labs
Ed Mitchard, Space Intelligence Ltd
Valerie Morgan, Climate Impact Partners
Jamey Mulligan, Amazon
Diego Navarrete, The Nature Conservancy
Jill Orhun, Ponterra
Tim Pearson, GreenCollar
Guy Pinjuv, Conservation International
Nan Pond, Rubicon Carbon
Sassan Saatchi, CTrees
David Shoch, TerraCarbon
Carlos Silva, Pachama
Erica Meta Smith, Terra Global Capital
Zihui Zhu, Calyx Global
Verra’s Ocean Carbon Working Group (WG) provides technical input on various updates to Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program rules and requirements that will enable the certification of projects implementing ocean-based activities.
The WG is also considering additional approaches to standards-related aspects that would improve the alignment of the VCS Program’s fundamental quantification processes and methods with the modeling of ocean system dynamics and carbon cycling. Additionally, the working group is evaluating opportunities, challenges, and risks related to the successful development and scaling of ocean-based carbon project activities.
The WG was formed in September 2023 and is a diverse multi-stakeholder group that represents cross-sectoral expertise in ocean and climate science, marine policy, standards and certification approaches, carbon project development, and market demand and drivers.
Ocean Carbon Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Blanca Bernal, GreenCollar
Steve Crooks, Silvestrum Climate Associates
Daiane Gracieli Faller, KPMG Singapore
Rod Fujita, independent consultant
Joost den Haan, PlanBlue GmbH
Whitney Johnson, Salesforce
Raffael Jovine, Brilliant Planet
Matthew Long, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Abby Lunstrum, University of Pennsylvania
Shawn McMahon, Aster Global Environmental Solutions
Juan David Mira, South Pole
Kate Morris, Marine Stewardship Council
Ana Queiros, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Brad Rochlin, Cascade Climate
Amy Schmid, Conservation International
Peng Zhao, Hainan University
The Plastic Program Advisory Group (AG) helps ensure that the Plastic Waste Reduction Program (Plastic Program) can best meet the needs of the plastic credit market and is well-positioned to enable the delivery of credible plastic waste reduction. Members provide strategic guidance on the evolution of the Plastic Program, including updates to the content of the Plastic Program rules, and offer insights into the needs of the Plastic Program’s range of users.
The AG also advises on existing and prospective market opportunities, such as those under extended producer responsibility schemes, voluntary corporate circularity commitments, and plastic reduction commitments. This multi-stakeholder, cross-sectoral group was formed in July 2021.
Plastic Program Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Tobias Becker, Parley for the Oceans
Jim Cannon, Verra Board
Alexander Cramwinckel, Danone
Emilie Devenport, South Pole
Pranav Goenka, Alliance to End Plastic Waste
Justin Guest, Archipelago Eco Investors
Steve Hardman, Plastic Collective
Ian Hayes, Australian Food and Grocery Council
Ann Howard, ANSI National Accreditation Board
Anne Johnson, Resource Recycling Systems
Mark Kenber, Executive Director, VCMI
Tristan Lecomte, Second Life
Iván Darío López Gómez, ICIPC
Michael Maggio, Inclusive Waste Recycling Consortium
Ellen Martin, The Circulate Initiative
Arne Ragossnig, ISWA
Amy Tsui, ENGIE Impact
Rutger de Witt Wijnen, The Ocean Cleanup
Scope 3 Standard Program Development Group works to ensure that Verra’s Scope 3 Standard Program is designed to unlock immediate and large-scale investment in credible supply chain climate action. It provides input and constructive feedback on key technical decisions and the proposed text for the program documents.
The group also focuses on establishing the program’s relevance to and utility for the needs of corporate inventory accounting. Additionally, it aims to support the goals, objectives, and foundational concepts of the program by aligning it with interconnected initiatives, working groups, tools, programs, policies, and technologies external to Verra. The diverse multi-stakeholder group was launched in November 2023.
Scope 3 Standard Program Development Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Christa Anderson, World Wildlife Fund
Meinrad Bürer, Louis Dreyfus Company
Jim Cannon, Verra Board
Alice Chang, Indigo
Melissa Gallant, The Nature Conservancy
Karen Haugen-Kozyra, Viresco Solutions
Jonathan Hollander, Columbia University and CarbonSig
Joni Jupesta, Bogor Agricultural University
Devon Lake, Meta
Alan Lewis, Smart Freight Centre
Kai Nino-Streicher, SustainCERT / Value Change Initiative
Andrew Nobrega, PUR
Inci Hazal Ozcan, Life İklim ve Enerji Ltd. Şti. (Life Climate)
Pablo Reed, RRG Nature Based Solutions representing Mars Wrigley, Andean Cacao, Terra Global Capital
Nathan Renneboog, Systemiq
Olivia Novak, South Pole
Jeff Seale, Independent
Mel Shank, Patagonia
David Short, World Business Council on Sustainable Development
Gerrit Sindermann, Green Digital Finance Alliance / Every Action Counts Coalition
Nathan Truitt, American Forest Foundation / Family Forest Carbon Program
Emma van de Ven, Rabobank
Stanley Yip, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Energy Research Institute
Ruhana Zariwala, Cipla Limited
Verra’s Sustainable Development Advisory Group (SDAG) is a strategic and technical resource that supports the evolution of Verra’s efforts to integrate sustainable development across all its standards programs.
The objective of the SDAG is to provide technical input on and inform the strategic development of the following components:
- Strengthened program requirements and guidance on social and environmental safeguards and community and stakeholder engagement in Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program; Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) Program; Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program; and Plastic Waste Reduction (Plastic) Program
- Standardized monitoring, reporting, and verification of sustainable development contributions and benefits in alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The SDAG had a previous cohort, which operated from July 2021 through July 2024.
Sustainable Development Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Marcia Arredondo Rivera, Wageningen Economic Research
Livia Bizikova, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Amandine Carrage, Mirova
Patrick Colas, ERM
Christie Pollet-Young, SCS Global Services
Jennifer Laughlin, United Nations Development Programme
Bonar A. Laureto, SGV & Co. (a member firm of Ernst & Young)
Linda Rivera Macedo, Calyx Global
Josiah McClellan, ALDI USA
Eddy Meléndez, Climate Impact Partners
Patita Nkamunu, EarthAcre
Barbara Nöst, Zamkanda
Michael Riddell, The Landscapes and Livelihoods Group
Sandeep Roy Choudhury, VNV – Value Network Ventures
Kame Westerman, Conservation International
The SD VISta – Nature Framework Advisory Group (AG) guides the development of a framework that will outline the key components of a scientifically robust, pragmatic, and scalable methodology. The AG also supports the development of the biodiversity methodology for assessing and quantifying the benefits from conservation and restoration activities.
The framework and methodology is being developed under Verra’s Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program and will drive much-needed investment to high-quality, nature-positive efforts, as supported by other nature-related frameworks and initiatives.
The AG is a diverse multi-stakeholder group whose members bring expertise related to market demand and drivers; technologies, methods, or indicators for biodiversity measurement; nature-related frameworks; financial instruments for investing in biodiversity outcomes; and biodiversity-focused pilot projects.
SD VISta – Nature Framework Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Marc Baker, Carbon Tanzania
Zoe Balmforth, Pivotal Future
Simon Bird, Wildlife Works Carbon
Giulia Carbone, Nature Climate Solutions Alliance, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Tim Coles, Operation Wallacea
Helen Crowley, Pollination Capital Partners
Stephen Edwards, South Pole
Chrissy Elmer, Accounting for Nature
Alex Grais, Revalue Nature
Mark Harding, Bioeconomy
Marcello Hernández-Blanco, Conservation Strategy Fund
Jonathan Hughes, United Nations Environment Program World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sam Lampert, Mirova
Letícia Larcher de Carvalho, ERA Brazil
Jamie Mansfield, Finance Earth
Martine Maron, Impact Mitigation and Ecological Compensation of IUCN’s Commission on Ecosystem Management, The University of Queensland, Australia
Jeff Milder, Rainforest Alliance
Fabien Quétier, Impact Mitigation and Ecological Compensation of IUCN’s Commission on Ecosystem Management
Dilys Roe, International Institute for Environment and Development
Jonathan F.P. Rose, The Garrison Institute
Hassan Sachedina, BioCarbon Partners
Mariana Sarmiento, Terrasos
Scott Settelmyer, TerraCarbon
Ray Victurine, Wildlife Conservation Society
William Vine, Rebalance Earth
Anna Willingshofer, Wildlife Habitat Council
The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program Advisory Group (AG) serves as a strategic resource to support the development of the VCS Program. The AG’s guidance ensures that the VCS Program meets the needs of the carbon market as it evolves and scales up its climate benefits. The AG also helps ensure that the VCS Program includes rules and requirements in
support of the ambition to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reach net zero emissions by mid-century.
VCS Program Advisory Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
2025 Members:
David Antonioli, Transition Finance
Cindy Chiang, Netflix
Philip Cohn, Pollination
Ruth Dagan, Herzog Fox & Neeman
Leslie L. Durschinger, Terra Global Capital, LLC
Angela Foster Rice, General Counsel at Pachama
Tracy Johns, Meta
Edit Kiss, Integrity Global Partners
Rory McDougall, Del Agua
Jackie Mercer, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Campbell Moore, The Nature Conservancy
Valerie Morgan, Climate Impact Partners
Racheal Notto, Kita
Eric Nowak, Center for Climate Finance and Sustainability, USI Lugano
Tripurari Prasad, HSBC
Anshari Rahman, GenZero (Verra Board of Directors representative)
Jess Roberts, Sylvera
Shivraj Sharma, SustainCert
Cecilia Simon, Independent Consultant
Kaviraj Singh, Earthood Services Private Limited
Lærke Stürup Chrintz, Ørsted
Leon-Jacques Theron, Conservation International
Suraj Vanniarachchy, Macquarie Group Limited
Sarah Walker, Wildlife Conservation Society
Stefan Winter, TÜV NORD CERT GmbH
An Advisory Committee was convened in February 2011 to provide strategic input for development of the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) initiative. The initiative gathered input from advisory committee members and technical experts to create guidelines and criteria for the integrated, jurisdiction-wide accounting and crediting of REDD+ projects, policies and programs. Read more about the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ initiative.
Charlotte Streck and Robert O’Sullivan, Climate Focus
Toby Janson‐Smith, VCS (formerly Conservation International)
Naomi Swickard, Verra
Advisory Committee members:
Linda Adams, Climate Action Reserve Chair, USA
Dr. Girma Amente, Director General, Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise, Ethiopia
Benoit Bosquet, Team Leader, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Alejandro Callejas Linares, Deputy Environment Secretary, Chiapas, Mexico
Marco Chiu, Undersecretary of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Ecuador
Mariano Colini Cenamo, Executive Director, Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDESAM), Brazil
Dr. Mark Dangerfield, Technical Director, GreenCollar Climate Solutions, Australia
Christian Del Valle, Director – Environmental Markets & Forestry, BNP Paribas, UK
Joanna Durbin, Director, Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance, USA
Adam Diamant, Senior Project Manager, Global Climate Change Program, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), USA
José Carlos Fernandez, Head of International Affairs and Financial Development Unit, National Forestry Commission, Mexico
Greg Fishbein, Managing Director, Forest Carbon, The Nature Conservancy, USA
Andrea García-Guerrero, Chief of Climate Change Mitigation Group, Ministry of Environment, Colombia
Tobias Garritt, Advisory Board Member, Papua Low Carbon Development Task Force & CEO, Emerald Planet, Indonesia
Nicolas Grondard, Project Officer, ONF International, France
Bruno Guay, Technical Advisor, National REDD Coordination of the DRC, UNDP /United Nations REDD program (UN-REDD), Democratic Republic of the Congo
Jeffrey Hayward, Director, Climate Program, Rainforest Alliance, USA
Rezal Kusumaatmadja, Partner, Starling Resources, Indonesia
Monica Julissa De Los Rios, Commissioned Charge at the Institute of Regulation, Control and Registration, Acre State Government, Brazil
Ludovino Lopes, Partner, Ludovino Lopes Lawyers, Brazil
Dr. Lucio Pedroni, President and Chief Executive Officer, Carbon Decisions International, Costa Rica
Lucia Ruiz, Executive Director, CIMA Cordillera Azul, Peru
Dr. D. Andrew Wardell, Programme Director, Forests and Governance, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia
Technical Expert Leads:
Dr. Steven De Gryze, Managing Director, Carbon Analytics, Terra Global Capital, LLC
Manuel Estrada, Independent Consultant
Adam Gibbon, Natural Capital Lead, AXA Investment Managers
Dr. Timothy Pearson, Program Officer II, Ecosystem Services, Winrock International
Technical Experts:
William Garrett, Principal Consultant, Camco
Dil Raj Khanal, Policy Facilitator, The Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal
Dr. Ruben Lubowski, Senior Economist, Environmental Defense Fund
Dr. Marcelo Rocha, Founder and Partner, Fabrica Ethica Brasil – Sustainability Consultancy
Zoe Ryan, Forest Carbon Specialist, Fauna & Flora International
David Shoch, M.F., Director of Forestry and Technical Services, TerraCarbon LLC
Joanna Silver, Vice President, Environmental Market Product Design & Development, Markit Group Limited
Dr. Gordon Smith, Carbon Development Director, Wildlife Works Carbon LLC
Georgina Varley, Manager, Macquarie Global Investments, Macquarie Bank
Dr. Sarah Walker, Program Officer II, REDD+ Specialist, Winrock International
To review the qualifications of potential experts on Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU), Verra established an AFOLU Expert Assessment Panel in 2009. AFOLU assessment panel members review the qualifications of AFOLU experts and recommend candidates to the VCS Program.
Bronson Griscom, The Nature Conservancy
Henry Janzen, Agriculture and Agri-Good Canada
Daniel Martino, Carbosur
Brian Murray, Duke University
Keith Paustian, Colorado State University
Timothy Pearson, GreenCollar Group
Mike Robinson, Syngenta Foundation
Brent Sohngen, Ohio State University
The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector (AFOLU) Steering Committee began work in 2007 to develop requirements for crediting land-based projects that curb emissions or sequester carbon. The committee’s work has made the VCS Program a leader in crediting new project types and approaches in the AFOLU sector and a top global standard for crediting avoided deforestation projects. Today the committee is an integral part of the VCS Program that continues to guide work in the AFOLU sector. Committee members are currently advising the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD initiative as well as rules to credit new AFOLU project types. Read more about current AFOLU initiatives.
Standing AFOLU Steering Committee Members
AFOLU Steering Committee members serve rotating terms. The following individuals currently serve on the AFOLU Steering Committee:
Toby Janson‐Smith (Chair), Verra (formerly Conservation International)
Edwin Aalders, DNV
Leslie Durschinger, Terra Global Capital
Bettina von Hagen, Ecotrust Forest Management (EFM)
Jeff Hayward, Rainforest Alliance
Tim Pearson, Winrock International
Lucio Pedroni, Carbon Decisions International
Former AFOLU Steering Committee Members*:
Simon Dawes, Carbon Flow
Gonzalo Castro de la Mata, Ecosystem Services, LLC
Jennifer Haverkamp, George Washington University Law School
Wolfgang Ortloff, Equator, LLC
Keith Paustian, NREL, Colorado State University
Zoe Ryan, Fauna and Flora International
Marc Stuart, Allotrope Partners
Virgilio Viana, Amazonas Sustainable Foundation
The following individuals were the primary AFOLU contributors:
VCS AFOLU Advisory Group
Toby Janson-Smith, VCS AFOLU project lead (formerly Conservation International)
Bernhard Schlamadinger, TerraCarbon, Austria
Tanja Havemann, Climate Change Capital, UK
Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (ARR) Expert Group
Igino Emmer (lead author), Emmer Internationaal, The Netherlands
Neil Bird, Joanneum Research, Austria
Manuel Estrada, National Institute of Ecology, Mexico
Martin Schröder, TÜV SÜD, Germany
Frank Werner, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Expert Group
Keith Paustian (lead author), Colorado State University, USA
Henry Janzen, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
Daniel Martino, Carbosur, Uruguay
David Powlson, Rothamsted Research, UK
Mike Robinson, Syngenta, UK
Improved Forest Management (IFM) Expert Group
Sandra Brown (lead author), Winrock International, USA
Brian Murray, Duke University, USA
Timothy Pearson, Winrock International, USA
Brent Sohngen, Ohio State University, USA
Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) Expert Group
Sandra Brown (co-lead author), Winrock International, USA
Lucio Pedroni (co-lead author), CATIE, Costa Rica
Manuel Estrada, National Institute of Ecology, Mexico
Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus, The Netherlands
Eveline Trines, Treeness Consult, The Netherlands
Xiaoquan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Forestry, People’s Republic of China
VCS AFOLU Consultants
Eveline Trines (developer of AFOLU methodological and risk tools), Treeness Consult, Netherlands
Amanda Hawn (general editor), Ecosystem Marketplace, USA
Michael Jenkins (program development), Forest Trends, USA
David Shoch (buffer financial analyst), The Nature Conservancy, USA
Independent Reviewers
Jüergen Blaser, Intercooperation, Switzerland
Benoît Bosquet, Carbon Finance Unit, World Bank, USA
Bruce Cabarle, WWF, USA
Phil Cottle, ForestRe, UK
Philip Fearnside, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil
Jan Fehse, EcoSecurities, UK
Till Neef, EcoSecurities, UK
Mitch Feierstein, Cheyne Capital, UK
Steven de Gryze, Terra Global Capital, USA
Radha Kuppali, New Forests, Australia
Marisa Meizlish, New Forests, Australia
Martin Schröder, TÜV SÜD, Germany
Joerg Seifert-Granzin, FAN, Bolivia
Bill Stanley, Zoe Kant, The Nature Conservancy, USA
Marc Steininger, Conservation International, USA
Marc Stuart, EcoSecurities, USA
Craig Trotter, Landcare Research, New Zealand
Martijn Wilder, Baker & McKenzie, Australia
Xiaoquan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Forestry, People’s Republic of China
*Indicates professional association at the time of serving in that role
The VCS AFOLU work is dedicated to Dr. Bernhard Schlamadinger, who passed away on 28 August 2008. A tireless champion for the world’s forests, Bernhard was instrumental in developing the VCS Program’s groundbreaking rules for Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use Projects. The work of the expert committee was generously supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
AFOLU Technical Working Groups are convened to refine or develop AFOLU requirements for the VCS Program. Read more about our current AFOLU initiatives.
Wetlands Technical Working Group
The Wetlands Technical Working Group, convened in March 2011, is currently developing requirements for crediting wetlands conservation projects. The working group is led by conservation alliance Restore America’s Estuaries and made up of scientists and technical experts from Verra, Silvestrum, ESA PWA, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and the US Forest Service. The initiative will expand the scope for crediting wetlands projects to include mangroves, coastal wetlands and potentially other project types.
Wetlands Technical Working Group Members:
Carolyn Ching, Verra
Steve Emmett-Mattox (Lead Coordinator), Restore America’s Estuaries
Dr. Igino Emmer (Lead Author), Silvestrum
Dr. Steve Crooks, ESA PWA
Dr. Hans Joosten, Greifswald University, Germany
Dr. Boone Kauffman, US Forest Service
Dr. Patrick Megonigal, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Peer Reviewers:
Luca Bragazza, Univeristy of Ferrara
Letty Brown, URS
Paul Chatterton, WWF
William Coleman, PG&E
Francesca Demgen, URS
Peter Jones, Countryside Council for Wales
Brian Needelman, University of Maryland
Sarah Mack, Tierra Resources
Doug Myers, People for Puget Sound
Syd Partridge, Climate Action Reserve
Brian Perez, CH2M Hill
Lucinda Roth, Natural Resources Conservation Services, US Department of Agriculture
Anthony Sebastian, Aonyx Consultancy
Mary-Ann Smyth, RSK ERA
Arianna Sutton-Grier, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Peatland Technical Working Group
The Peatland Technical Working Group developed existing VCS requirements for peatland rewetting and conservation projects (PRC), released in 2011. The working group was led by Netherlands-based project developer Silvestrum and composed of scientists and technical experts from VCS, TerraCarbon and Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald. Peer reviewers provided detailed technical input to ensure all requirements are practical, conceptually sound and environmentally robust.
Peatland Technical Working Group Members:
Naomi Swickard, Verra
Igino Emmer (Lead Author), Silvestrum, Netherlands
John Couwenberg, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, Germany
Manuel Estrada,TerraCarbon, USA
Hans Joosten, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, Germany
Peer Reviewers:
Steven Apfelbaum, Applied Ecological Services, Inc.
Dominique Blain, Environment Canada
Steven DeGryze, Terra Global Capital
Matthias Droesler, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Kristell Hergoualc’h, Center for International Forestry Research
John Kimble, Independent
Mike Mason, JP Morgan Climate Care
Nick Mawdsley, Independent
Dr. Peter Moore, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Daniel Murdiyarso, Center for International Forestry Research
Clark Row, Row Associates
Zoe Ryan, Fauna & Flora International
Robert Seaton, Brinkman & Associates Reforestation Ltd.
Dr. Matthew Shepherd, Natural England
Gabriel Thoumi, Forest Carbon Offsets
Louis Verchot, Center for International Forestry Research
Dr. Sarah Walker, Winrock International
Andrew Wardell, Center for International Forestry Research
Bo Yang, The Nature Conservancy
Alan Zelenka, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Avoided Conversion of Grasslands and Shrublands Working Group
This technical working group developed requirements for crediting projects that avoid the conversion of grasslands and shrublands (ACoGS), released in 2011. The working group was led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and composed of scientists and technical experts from VCS, TNC, Ducks Unlimited and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Peer reviewers provided detailed technical input to ensure all requirements are practical, conceptually sound and environmentally robust.
ACoGS Technical Working Group Members:
Naomi Swickard, Verra
Joe Fargione (Lead Author), The Nature Conservancy, USA
Randal Dell, Ducks Unlimited Inc., USA
Dr. Louis Verchot, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
Peer Reviewers:
Thomas Dufour, ONF International
Benjamin Landreau, Carbon Management Consulting Group
Hassan Sachedina, Wildlife Works
Benktesh Sharma, Terra Global Capital
Brian Shillinglaw, New Forests
Sheldon Zakreski, The Climate Trust
Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Working Group is a multi-stakeholder group formed to explore the key barriers and opportunities for ALM activities and identify and prioritize recommendations for how standards and their supporting methodologies and tools could drive finance to forest carbon activities. The Working Group kicked off in January 2020 and is examining key questions surrounding challenges faced by different types of ALM projects, considering how to streamline/improve the existing VCS Program requirements, and exploring how non-carbon benefits, potentially assessed by other Verra standards, could unlock additional finance for ALM project development and implementation. The Working Group is supported by an Ad Hoc Advisory Group that is occasionally asked to provide input on Working Group products.
Verra Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Working Group (WG) Terms of Reference (PDF)
Annette Cowie, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
Peter Beare, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Deborah Bossio, The Nature Conservancy
Jeffrey Seale, Bayer US – Crop Science
Jessica Davies, Lancaster University
Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University
Karen Haugen-Kozyra, Viresco Solutions
Keith Paustian, Colorado State University
Leigh Winowiecki, ICRAF
Louisa Kiely, Carbon Farmers of Australia
Matthew Warnken, Agriprove: Soil Carbon Solutions
Moritz von Unger, Silvestrum Climate Associates, LLC
Paul Luu, 4 per 1000 Initiative
Rori Cowan, Climate Smart Group
Sean Penrith, Gordian Knot Strategies
Tom Stoddard, Native Energy
A Compensation Mechanism Steering Committee was established in 2009 to explore ways to incentivize the development of new, streamlined and broadly applicable methodologies. The steering committee developed a unique mechanism to reward Verra methodology developers when others use their work. Today Verra rebates 20 percent of the levy on every VCU issued to methodology developers when a project uses the methodology they developed. This establishes a real incentive for methodology developers to create new, broadly applicable approaches to curbing GHG emissions.
Committee Members:
Jerry Seager, Verra, Washington, DC
Ricardo Bayon, EKO Asset Management Partners, San Francisco
Belinda Ellington, Deutsche Bank, London
Flavio Gomes, Bureau Veritas, London
Alexia Kelly, Climate and Energy Program, WRI, Washington, DC
Chris Staples, Partner, Linklaters, London
Christoph Sutter, CEO, South Pole Carbon Asset Management, Zurich
The Forest Carbon Innovations Working Group (WG) explores the key barriers and opportunities for forest carbon activities, in addition to identifying and prioritizing recommendations for how standards and their supporting methodologies and tools can drive finance to these activities. The WG examines key questions surrounding challenges faced by different types of forest carbon projects, considers how to streamline/improve the existing Verified Carbon Standard Program requirements, and explores how non-carbon benefits, potentially assessed by other Verra standards, could unlock additional finance for forest carbon project development and implementation.
The multi-stakeholder group, which kicked off in 2020, is supported by an Ad Hoc Advisory Group that occasionally provides input on WG products.
Forest Carbon Innovations Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF)
Simon Bird, Wildlife Works
Maria Fernanda Buitrago, South Pole
MaryKate Bullen, Forest Investment Associates
Juan Chang, Permian Global
Joel Deboer, EP Carbon
Jose Luis Fuentes Perez, AENOR
Pina Gervassi, Forest Stewardship Council
Adam Gibbon, AXA Investment Managers
Andrea Guerrero García, Transforma
Cam Moore, The Nature Conservancy
Jamey Mulligan, Amazon
Christie Pollet-Young, SCS Global
Matt Ramlow, World Resources Institute
Diego Saez Gil, Pachama
David Shoch, TerraCarbon
George Kipkorir Tarus, Forestry Society of Kenya
Suraj Vanniarachchy, Macquarie Bank Limited
Sarah Walker, Wildlife Conservation Society
Diego Arango, South Pole
Nicholas Berry, The Landscapes and Livelihoods Group LLP
Anthony DeMars, GHD
James Eaton, Ostrya Conservation
Irina Fedorenko, Oxford University
Ruben Goldsztayn, Forliance
Salim Kilic, Carbon Emission (Greenhouse Gas) Reduction and Control Association
James Liu, Land Life Company
Lauren Mechak, ClimeCo
Agustín Muñoz del Guayo, Urban Health Network for Latin America and the Caribbean
Kenneth Omokhafe, Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria
Jason Schatz, Descartes Labs
James Smith, WBCSD
Caio Soares Ribeiro Gallego, Biofílica
Tara Sriram, VNV Advisory Services LLP
David Torres, Lumina Decision Systems
Anne-Kathrin Weber, Perspectives Climate Group
Jordan Wildish, Washington State Department of Ecology
The development of the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) framework is supported by the JNR Advisory Group and the JNR Stakeholder Group.
Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ Advisory Group
The Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ Advisory Group (AG) strengthens Verra’s technical expertise for the development of JNR and project-level REDD+ related updates. The JNR AG provides technical guidance on specific JNR requirements such as forest reference emission level, uncertainty, monitoring, quantification, and nesting.
Adam Gibbon, MSc, AXA Investment Managers
Julian Gonzalo Jimenez, World Bank
Till Neeff, PhD, Independent Consultant
Robert O’Sullivan, LLM, GreenCollar
Tim Pearson, PhD, GreenCollar Group
Lucio Pedroni, PhD, Carbon Decisions International
Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ Stakeholder Group
The JNR Stakeholder Group provides feedback and guidance on JNR updates. The group also advises on existing and prospective new requirements and tools, such as the JNR Allocation Tool and JNR Risk Mapping Tool.
Edwin Aalders, DNV GL
Freddy Argotty, MINAM (Peru)
Natasha Calderwood, Conservation International
Javier Cano, International Consultant
Felipe Cassarim, Winrock International
Thiago Chagas, Climate Focus
Francisco Charry, MADS (Colombia)
Christine Dragisic, U.S. Department of State
Leslie Durschinger, Terra Global Capital
James Eaton, Ostrya Conservation
Adam Gibbon, AXA Investment Managers
Fabiano Godoy, Conservation International
Silvia Gomez, GreenOxx
Julian Gonzalo Jimenez, World Bank
Andrea Guerrero Garcia
Kelley Hamrick, The Nature Conservancy
Jennifer Henman, Plant Your Future
Kyle Holland, EP Carbon
Martin Kaonga, Fauna and Flora
Edit Kiss, Integrity Global Partners
Mike Korchinsky, Wildlife Works
Pablo Llopis, Shell
Paz Lozano, Ecopartners
Lorenzo Mandias, Shell
Jose Maria Michel, Independent Consultant
Brian McFarland, Foundation, Inc.
Theron Morgan, Independent Consultant
Till Neeff, Independent Consultant
Robert O’Sullivan, GreenCollar Group
Nadir Pallquie, MINAM (Peru)
Lucio Pedroni, Carbon Decisions International
Christie Pollet-Young, SCS Global
Kenset Rosales, MARN (Guatemala)
Edward Rumsey, Permian Global
Christine Schuh, Le.ef consulting group
Joel Scriven, Shell
Scott Settelmyer, TerraCarbon
David Shoch, TerraCarbon
Agustin Silvani, Conservation International
Chris Smith, Fauna and Flora
James Smith, WBCSD
Pedro Soares, IDESAM (Brasil)
Chris Stephenson, Plan Vivo
Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus
Jorge Torres, Paskay
Contanza Troppa, CONAF (Chile)
Diana Vargas, IDEAM (Colombia)
Sarah Walker, Wildlife Conservation Society
Christopher Webb, The Nature Conservancy
Charlie Williams, Clean Air Action
Adriana Yepes, FAO
Beatriz Zapata, Southpole
Working groups were convened in January 2013 to focus on the development of tools for JNR programs to manage leakage and assess non-permanence risk of carbon stocks. Read more about the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ initiative.
JNR Leakage Working Group members:
Ken Andrasko, World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Steven DeGryze, Terra Global Capital
Steve Dettman, ERA Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc
Gabriel Eickhoff, Forest Carbon
Toby Janson‐Smith, VCS (formerly Conservation International)
Ruben Lubowski, Environmental Defense Fund
Robert O’Sullivan, Forest, Carbon, Markets and Communities
Peter Schlesinger, Independent
Gordon Smith, Wildlife Works Carbon
Nicole Virgilio, The Nature Conservancy
JNR Non-Permanence Risk Working Group members:
Ken Andrasko, World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Christian Dannecker, South Pole Carbon Asset Management
Leslie Durschinger, Terra Global Capital
Manuel Estrada, Independent
Toby Janson-Smith, VCS, (formerly Conservation International)
Tim Pearson, Winrock International
Eveline Trines, Scope 14+
The working groups were tasked with developing two Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ tools: the Tool for Estimation of Jurisdictional Leakage in VCS JNR Programs and the JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tool. The tools received additional input from government and technical experts working to pilot JNR programs. The tools also underwent peer review and testing by a number of jurisdictional government representatives. A complete list of peer reviewers will be available soon.
A multi-stakeholder group that has been guiding the development of the Landscape Standard.
Jonas Dallinger, GIZ
Raphaele Deau, WWF Landscape Finance Lab
Stephen Donofrio, Supply Change
Ernest Dwamena, Touton
Kim Frankovich, Mars
Dr. Axel Hebel, European Investment Bank
Jan Kees Vis, Unilever
Dr. Simon Lord, Sime Darby Plantation
Daniel Spethman, Working Lands
Christopher Stewart, Olam
Ruth Thomas, Global Agribusiness Alliance
Greg Watson, Inter-American Development Bank
The Scope 3 Initiative investigates key barriers to implementing and scaling supply chain climate action in organizational Scope 3 emissions inventories, and how Verra could facilitate greater climate action in this area. The multi-stakeholder group explores how the Verified Carbon Standard’s (VCS) market reach, carbon crediting methodologies, audit process, and registry could support robust accounting of GHG interventions in corporate inventories, prevent double-counting, and establish flexibility for companies to generate carbon credits or Scope 3 interventions.
Scope 3 Initiative Working Group
Formed in May 2022, the Scope 3 Initiative investigates key barriers to implementing and scaling supply chain climate action in organizational Scope 3 emissions inventories, and how Verra could facilitate greater climate action in this area. The initiative encompasses a multi-stakeholder Working Group, which includes a Pilot Project Group, a broader consultative group, and one-on-one exchanges with stakeholders.
The multi-stakeholder group investigates key barriers to implementing and scaling climate action in organizational Scope 3 emissions inventories. It also explores how the Verified Carbon Standard’s (VCS) market reach, carbon crediting methodologies, audit process, and registry could support robust accounting of GHG interventions in corporate inventories, prevent double-counting, and establish flexibility for companies to generate carbon credits or Scope 3 interventions.
The Working Group will discuss key themes (such as accounting approaches, potential for market mechanisms, ownership, and allocation, assurance, and reporting), and a subset of the Working Group, the Pilot Project Group, will examine approaches and methods being used in ongoing supply chain mitigation projects. The Working Group will periodically share progress updates with a broader consultative group with the invitation to provide written feedback.
Scope 3 Working Group – Terms of Reference (PDF)
Scope 3 Working Group Members:
Brendan Dore, Restora
Hannes Etter, South Pole
Tanja Havemann, Clarmondial
Alicia Klepfer, Blue Ocean Barns
Katerina Kolaciova, Strive
Devon Lake, Meta
Jessica Langley, JBS
Steve Lemeshow, CIBO
Gabe McNunn, EcoPractices
Paul Nicholson, Olam
Katherine Pickus, Tyson Foods
Guy Pinjuv, Indigo Ag
Kelly Ann Ross, Barry Callebaut
Sri Sukhi, Johnson Controls
Dave Rimkus, EmitZero
Scope 3 Pilot Project Group Members:
Mark Graeme, NatureCo
Janet Joynt, Blue Source
Andika Putraditama, Lestari Capital
Vanessa Maire, Diageo
Lola Menigaux, Sodexo
Pablo Reed, 12Tree
Quinn Sanford, 3M
Nate Truitt, American Forest Foundation
An expert steering committee was convened in October 2010 to create guidelines for developing standardized methods for determining baselines and additionality, notably performance methods (or benchmarks) and activity methods (or positive lists).
Steering Committee members:
Jerry Seager, VCS
Michael Lehmann, (Chair) Det Norske Veritas
Dinesh Aggarwal, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and CDM Meth Panel
Derik Broekhoff, Climate Action Reserve
John Drexhage, International Council on Mining & Metals and VCS Board
Rob Fowler, Essential Change Advisory Services
Michael Gillenwater, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
Bettina von Hagen, Ecotrust and VCS Board
Jan-Willem Martens, Independent Consultant and CDM Meth
Catherine Martin-Robert, Holcim
Jessica Orrego, Equator
Gareth Phillips, Sindicatum Sustainable Resources
Christoph Sutter, South Pole Carbon Assessment Mgmt
Einar Telnes, PointCarbon
Luis de la Torre, Repsol Gas and CDM Meth Panel
Zach Willey, Environmental Defense Fund
Peer Reviewers:
Neil Bird, Joanneum Research
Sandra Greiner, Climate Focus
Jürg Grütter, Grütter Consulting
Edie Sonne Hall, Weyerhaeuser
Jaime Martin Juez, Repsol, CDM Meth Panel
Nicolas Müller, Perspectives
Anja Kollmuss, CDM Watch
Michael Lazarus, Stockholm Environment Institute – US
Anne Arquit Niederberger, Policy Solutions
Ingo Puhl, South Pole Carbon Asset Management
Monali Ranade, World Bank
Rama Reddy, World Bank
Steering committee members and peer reviewers have kindly contributed their time and expertise. Review of VCS requirements does not imply endorsement by any individual or organization.
The original Verra Steering Committee of 19 global carbon market experts was established in 2006 and worked for more than a year to develop the first VCS Standard. The Steering Committee convened seven technical working groups to address specific topics, including governance, additionality, validation and verification, registry systems, forestry and land use, performance standards and general policy issues.
Committee members:
Mark Kenber (Co-chair), The Climate Group
Andrei Marcu (Co-chair), International Emissions Trading Association
Jan-Willem Bode, Ecofys
Derik Broekhoff, World Resources Institute
Mike Burnett, Climate Trust
Robert Dornau, SGS
Steve Drummond, CantorCO2e
Mitchell Feierstein, Cheyne Capital
Adam Kirkman, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Erin Meezan, Interface
Mark Proegler, BP
Robert Routliffe, Invista
Richard Samans, World Economic Forum
Marc Stuart, Ecosecurities
Einar Telnes, DNV
Bill Townsend, Blue Source
Diane Wittenberg, California Climate Action Registry
Yoshito Izumi (Observer), Taiheiyo Cement
A multi-stakeholder group convened in 2019 to provide technical expertise and strategic guidance to the development of the Plastic Program. Read more about the Plastic Program.
The development of the Plastic Waste Reduction Program was guided by a multi-stakeholder Plastic Standard Development Committee (PSDC). The PSDC included representatives of social groups, environmental NGOs, recycling and waste management experts, government representatives, complementary initiatives, potential project developers, intermediaries, end users and assessment experts.
Plastic Waste Reduction Standard: Development Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)
Committee Members:
Patrick Burgi, South Pole
Jim Cannon, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, Verra Board Member
Lindsay Christianson, Plastic Bank
Joao Daim, BVRio
Joi Danielson, SYSTEMIQ
Rachel Goldstein, Mars
Alix Grabowski, WWF
Richard Helling, Dow
Jen Howard, Conservation International
Mark Kenber, The Climate Group, Verra Board Member
Vivien Luk, WORK
Larissa Sakamoto,
Christie Pollet-Young, SCS
Cesar Sanches, ValGroup
Lakmini Senadheera, Sustainable Future Group
Komal Sinha, rePurpose
Kendall Starkman, Lonely Whalent
A multi-stakeholder group convened in September 2017 to provide strategic input and guidance to the development of the SD VISta Program. Read more about SD VISta.
Committee Members:
Edwin Aalders, DNV GL
Beto Borges, Forest Trends
Javier Castro, TUV SUD Industrie Service GmbH
John Drexhage, Verra Board
Charles Ehrhart, KPMG New Zealand
Eduardo Ferreira, World Bank
Emma Lear, Mirova Natural Capital Limited
Anna Lehman, Climate Policy and Investment Advisory
Ben Massie, Natural Capital Partners
Swapan Mehra, IORA Ecological Solutions
Priscilla Miranda, Underministry for Migration, Population and Religious Affairs, Mexico
Tom Morton, Climate Care
Marcos Neto, UNDP
Gareth Phillips, African Development Bank
Ndivhuho Raphulu, National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa
Ash Sharma, Frontera Consulting
Alyson Slater, GRI
Massamba Thioye, UNFCCC
A working group comprised of representatives from validation/verification bodies (VVBs) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was convened in 2011 to provide input on development of the Validation and Verification Manual. The manual is intended to support VVBs and help enhance the quality and transparency of Verra projects.
VVB Working Group Members:
Ann Bowles, American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Tod Delaney, First Environment
Todd Frank, SCS Global Services
Jared Nunery, Rainforest Alliance
Rainer Winter, TÜV Nord Certification GmbH
Siddharth Yadav, SGS United Kingdom