Is it possible to support and finance coordinated action that conserves and restores broad expanses of land and allows for their sustainable management? Can companies, governments, organizations, and farmers and producers work together at a scale that extends beyond single farms or supply chains?

The future of this planet depends upon figuring this out. And these are some of the questions we’ve set out to answer by developing the Landscape Standard.
Please join us for a webinar to learn how about how the Landscape Standard (LS) — a shared initiative of the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance, the Rainforest Alliance and Verra — can help businesses, investors and governments assess and mitigate landscape scale risks and credibly communicate impact at scale.
We will be offering two sessions to accommodate audiences around the globe.
Date: Thursday, 7 March 2019
Times: Session 1 – 8:00 am GMT/3:00 am EST; register here.
Session 2 – 3:00 pm GMT/10:00 am EST; register here.
Recordings of both webinar sessions are available here.
The LS is a promising new framework that enables actors within a landscape to make informed land use decisions by assessing progress across a range of criteria supported by robust data. It provides a scientifically rigorous yet practical set of principles, criteria, and indicators to assess the state and trajectory of sustainability within a landscape – which could be a jurisdiction, watershed, or eco-region. Producers, governments, businesses, and investors can use the LS to track and demonstrate progress towards landscape-scale sustainability commitments. The LS can also help businesses to understand the sustainability risks and opportunities associated with sourcing from or investing in a particular landscape.
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Take a look at this Webinar March 7 on the Landscape Standard, a promising new framework enabling actors within a landscape to make informed land use decisions.
Our work is generously supported by the International Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany; and BHP Foundation’s Environmental Resilience Global Signature Program.