*AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool was updated to v4.2 on October 12, 2023.

Verra has released an updated version of the Non-Permanence Risk Tool (NPRT) for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) projects. The NPRT provides the procedures for conducting the non-permanence risk analysis for AFOLU projects and calculating their buffer pool contributions.

Verra has been developing version 4.1 of the AFOLU NPRT over the last two years with extensive input from stakeholders and external technical expert consultants.

The updated version includes the following key updates:

  • Incorporation of future climate change impacts and sea-level rise
  • Additional agriculture-specific risks and mitigation measures
  • Edited project longevity formulas
  • Increased minimum withholdings
  • Additional withholdings for past government intervention and failure to submit a loss report
  • Additional requirement of adaptive management plans
  • Extension of project longevity period (now 40 years) and removal of stakeholder engagement mitigation measure

These changes follow public consultations conducted in February 2022 and July 2023 and align with the other VCS Program updates released on August 29, 2023, including version 4.5 of the VCS Standard.

Verra is also developing a digital AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Assessment Calculator, which automates the generation of Non-Permanence Risk Reports for increased accuracy and ease of use. The digital calculator will be available on the Verra Project Hub this fall.

As of January 1, 2024, stakeholders must use the new version of the AFOLU NPRT and the Risk Assessment Calculator for any new project registration or verification approval requests.

Please contact programupdates@verra.org with any questions.