The VCS Association hereby releases an updated version of the VCS Program, VCS Version 3, which becomes the applicable version with immediate effect. The previous version, VCS 2007.1, may be used up to and including 8 September 2011. Please note that all project documents wholly or partially reliant upon the VCS 2007.1 must be issued on or before 8 September 2011.
Further information about VCS Version 3 can be found in a synopsis document. All VCS Version 3 documents can be accessed directly from the Program Documents page. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the new documentation can be found on the Version 3 FAQs page.
The new VCS Version 3 program documentation expands the scope and functionality of the VCS Program, clarifies program rules and requirements, and incorporates the text of program updates issued since the launch of VCS 2007.
Collectively, the VCS Version 3 program documents provide all rules and requirements for the VCS Program. The documents consist of requirements documents, procedural documents and templates and forms.
VCS Version 3 is the third major edition update of the VCS Program and part of ongoing work to strengthen and expand the scope of the program. It was preceded by a first version known as VCS Version 1 and a second version known as VCS 2007, and later, as VCS 2007.1. (VCS 2007.1 was a continuation of VCS 2007 that incorporated additional specifications for agriculture, forestry and other land use activities.)
VCS Version 3 was developed through an extensive public stakeholder consultation process. The consultation process and version updates are summarized in the Synopsis of the VCS Version 3 Consultation and Release, available on the VCS website. The Synopsis provides a summary of comments received and an overview of how these were taken into account in developing the new program documentation. It also summarizes the main differences between VCS 2007.1 and VCS Version 3.