Robin Rix, Chief Legal, Policy, and Markets Officer at Verra, was quoted in an article by Lindsey Rogerson, Thomson Reuters about the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)’s consultation on regulating the voluntary carbon markets, specifically the topic of a single global registry. Here is what he said:
“It is both possible and desirable to build a global registry in order to enhance liquidity and transparency. The challenge is one of ensuring the quality of what enters the registry, which we believe requires working with established standards to assess the integrity of the underlying emission reductions or removals.
“Verra welcomes all initiatives to bring greater integrity to the voluntary carbon market and is working closely with regulators around the world to ensure robust and effective guardrails. We look forward to working closely with IOSCO on this proposal.
“Good regulation will support the scale-up of private sector finance for climate action and help implementation of the standards that underpin the market. Verra standards are trusted by governments all over the world, and we look forward to discussing the regulation of trading.”