We are pleased to announce that Verra’s new “Sustainable Development Contributions Report Template” is now available.
Many projects using our standards are generating sustainable development benefits, but up until now have not had a standardized and streamlined way to highlight these benefits. This new template allows Verra projects to self-report their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in this way.
Projects can use the template to submit a completed Sustainable Development Contributions Report when requesting verification approval. Verra staff will review the report to ensure that all self-reported contributions have been completed according to the requirements stated in the template instructions and are supported by evidence included in the report or other publicly accessible documents.
The publication of this template is one of the last step(s) that makes the VCS Program fully operational under CORSIA. Completing this template will bring projects not using the CCB or SD VISta Programs into compliance with ICAO requirements, assuming they meet all other eligibility criteria.
Note that it is not yet possible to label VCUs with a CORSIA-eligible label in the Verra Registry. However, we expect to be able to label all CORSIA-eligible VCUs in the Verra Registry by the end of August.
Please note that this template is for the self-reporting of project contributions to the SDGs. Projects that wish to report verified contributions to the SDGs must undergo verification through the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program. This includes VCS projects that wish to label their VCUs with these specific sustainable development contributions.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to secretariat@verra.org.