The Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework is part of Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard Program and provides guidance to governments to support the design, implementation and integration of projects and programs that conserve and enhance forests at national and sub-national levels and leverage carbon finance. One of the defining features of JNR is its ability to provide a pathway for individual projects and private investment to “nest” within national accounting frameworks, bringing much-needed finance and know how to address deforestation and forest degradation at scale. Verra is therefore actively advancing the development of new requirements and guidance for such REDD+ project nesting.
Recognizing this, Verra seeks a consultant statistician with expertise in the development of jurisdictional reference levels and REDD+ project baselines, and in the alignment between jurisdictional and project-level accounting, to assess how uncertainty calculations and deductions can be undertaken in a more consistent, transparent, robust and practical way across scales.
Please click here to view the Request for Proposals for further details.
Further background information on JNR is available here.
All documents must be submitted to Summer Montacute at by close of business Monday, January 13 2020. We will finalize the selection of the consultant by the end of January 2020.