JNR Version 4 was released on 15 April 2021. The program documents can be found in the Rules and Requirements section on the JNR page.

Development Process

The JNR Version 4 updates are the result of two years of work that included extensive consultations with experts around the world and close engagement with members of the JNR Advisory Group and JNR Stakeholder Group — which include representatives from NGOs, government and the private sector — as well as two 60-day public consultations on proposed and draft updates held in November 2019 and October 2020. A summary of the comments received during the November 2019 consultation, and how these comments were taken into consideration, is included in the documents posted for the October 2020 consultation. The JNR Version 4 Summary of Comments includes a summary of comments received during the October 2020 consultation and how they have been taken into account in the final versions of the JNR Version 4 program documents.

Overview of Updates

JNR Version 4 incorporates a number of changes to the existing JNR Program rules and requirements to facilitate closer integration of project activities with jurisdictional (i.e., government-led) programs and reflect the latest science, best practices, and state-of-the-art technologies. The new version of the JNR Framework, which is aligned with all UNFCCC requirements, establishes the highest-quality, market-ready framework for accounting and crediting emission reductions at multiple scales, helping to future-proof REDD+ activities.

The JNR Version 4 Summary of Updates and Effective Dates document provides an overview of updates made to existing JNR Program rules and requirements.

  • December 22, 2022: Updated versions of the JNR Validation and Verification Process, v4.1, and the JNR Registration and Issuance Process, v4.1, were released.

Previous Document Versions

JNR Program Guide, v4.0 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021

The JNR Program Guide is the overarching program document for the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework. It is complemented by the JNR Scenario 1 Requirements, JNR Scenario 2 Requirements and JNR Scenario 3 Requirements.
JNR Scenario 1 Requirements, v4.0 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021

The JNR Scenario 1 Requirements sets out detailed requirements for jurisdictional forest reference emission levels (FRELs), and nested projects and/or nested lower-level jurisdictional programs.
JNR Scenario 2 Requirements, v4.0 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021

The JNR Scenario 2 Requirements sets out detailed requirements for national and subnational Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) programs with nested projects and/or nested lower-level jurisdictional programs.
JNR Scenario 3 Requirements, v4.0 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021

The JNR Scenario 3 Requirements sets out detailed requirements for national and subnational Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) programs without nested projects or lower-level jurisdictional programs.
JNR Registration and Issuance Process, v4.0 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021

The JNR Registration and Issuance Process document sets out the procedures and rules for registering national and subnational JNR programs.
JNR Registration and Issuance Process, v4.1 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021
Updated: 21 December 2022

The JNR Registration and Issuance Process document sets out the procedures and rules for registering national and subnational JNR programs.
JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tool, v4.0 (PDF)Issued: 15 April 2021

The JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tool sets out the procedure for conducting non-permanence risk analysis and buffer determination for JNR programs.