Controlled fires can be an important tool for maintaining and revitalizing the ecological health of forests and grasslands. In an effort to incentivize better fire management practices, a new proposed VCS methodology provides a carbon accounting framework for implementing controlled burns earlier in the fire season, rather than later when fuels become drier and climatic conditions are hotter and windier resulting in larger fires that can release more emissions and result in more tree mortality.
This methodology applies to the Eastern Miombo woodlands in Tanzania and Mozambique, a region rich in biodiversity. The methodology has been developed by Value for Nature Consulting on behalf of Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative with funding from the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Tanzania. This methodology is largely based on a fire model developed by the researchers at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh.
As with any proposed methodology, the first step in the VCS methodology approval process is to solicit public comments. To that end, I would encourage you to take a close look at the proposed methodology, and offer your thoughts, both pro and con. This comment period began on 25 March 2014 and will end on 24 April 2014:
- Avoiding Degradation through Fire Management; Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative
VCS staff along with representatives from Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative, University of Edinburgh and Value of Nature Consulting will offer a webinar describing this proposed methodology which will be held on 8 April at 10 am (EDT). Register for the webinar by click this link.
Comments on the methodology are invited and may be submitted by contacting the VCS at Comments must include a name, organization, country and email address.
Learn more about other methodology elements under development and the VCS methodology approval process.
Kind Regards,
Aditi Sen
Aditi Sen | Methodologies Manager | VCS Association | t +1 202 470 5665 | m +1 202 460 2061 |