
Inactive 28 June 2024

Outcome Label


Sectoral Scope

13. Waste handling and disposal

Please Note:
  • New projects seeking to complete registration under VMR0003, v1.0 must be listed on the Verra Registry by June 28, 2024, and complete validation by June 28, 2025.
  • Projects validated under VMR0003, v1.0 may continue to use it until their next crediting period renewal. At the crediting period renewal, they may transition to the latest version of AMS-III.Y.: Methane avoidance through separation of solids from wastewater or manure treatment systems (external) if the project complies with all rules and requirements set out in that methodology.

Verra has inactivated this methodology in accordance with Section 5 of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process v4.4 (PDF). See the announcement for more details. Projects validated under VMR0003, v1.0 may continue to use it until their next baseline reassessment or crediting period renewal, whichever is the earliest. They are also allowed to migrate to AMS.III-Y at the renewal of the crediting period.

This is a revision to CDM methodology AMS-III.Y.: Methane Avoidance through Separation of Solids from Wastewater or Manure Treatment Systems, v3.0.

An AMS-III.Y., v3.0 applicability condition made manure treatment projects ineligible if the livestock farm uses organic bedding material in its barns or intentionally adds organic material to the manure stream. This revision removed the applicability condition. The means for measuring and quantifying baseline emissions had also been modified such that the change in applicability did not affect the conservativeness of the underlying methodology.

AMS-III.Y. was later revised. The current version of the methodology allows projects that use Organic Bedding Material. Therefore, VMR0003 v1.0 became partially redundant.

Development History

VMR0003 Revisions to AMS-III.Y to Include Use of Organic Bedding Material, v1.0

Status: Active from January 18, 2013 to June 28, 2024
Grace Period:

  • New projects seeking to complete registration under VMR0003, v1.0 must be listed on the Verra Registry by June 28, 2024, and complete validation by June 28, 2025.
    Projects validated under VMR0003, v1.0 may continue to use it until their next crediting period renewal. At the crediting period renewal, they may transition to the latest version of AMS-III.Y.: Methane avoidance through separation of solids from wastewater or manure treatment systems (external) if the project complies with all rules and requirements set out in that methodology.

Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Reductions
Developer(s): NativeEnergy (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: March 6, 2012 to April 4, 2012
VVB Assessment Report(s): First Assessment Report for VMR0003, v1.0 (PDF), Second Assessment Report for VMR0003, v1.0 (PDF)
Announcement(s): Verra Inactivates Four Low-Use Methodologies