
Inactive 28 June 2024

Outcome Label


Sectoral Scope

8. Mining/Mineral production

Verra has inactivated this methodology in accordance with Section 5 of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process v4.4 (PDF). See the announcement for more details.

This methodology is a revision of the CDM ACM0008: Consolidated methodology for coal bed methane, coal mine methane and ventilation air methane capture and use for power (electrical or motive) and heat and/or destruction through flaring of flameless oxidation, v6.0 to expand its applicability condition to include methane capture and destruction from abandoned coal mines.

VMR0002, v1.0 quantifies the emission reductions achieved by constructing a new gas-fired co-generation plant that provides electricity to the grid and generates steam/hot water.  Emission reductions result from the displacement of electricity supplying the grid, which would have been produced from more carbon intensive sources. The steam/ hot water that is generated by the project would either have been produced for export to a steam/hot water grid or have been drawn from a steam/hot water grid. Emission reductions are achieved by the displacement of steam/hot water, which in the absence of the project activity, would have been produced in a more carbon intensive manner.

The current version of ACM0008 include methane capture and destruction from abandoned coal mines. Therefore, VMR0002, v1.0 became redundant.

Development history

VMR0002 Revisions to ACM0008 to Include Methane Capture and Destruction from Abandoned Coal Mines, v1.0

Status: Active from July 19, 2010 to June 28, 2024
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Reductions
Developer(s): Vessels Coal Gas, Inc. (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: May 25, 2009 to August 13, 2009
VVB Assessment Report(s): First Assessment Report for VMR0002, v1.0 (PDF), Second Assessment Report for VMR0002, v1.0 (PDF)
Announcement(s): Verra Inactivates Four Low-Use Methodologies