Approved 05 April 2021
Outcome Label
Pending Methodology Update
4. Manufacturing industries
Please note: Verra has issued Correction for VM0043 Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production, v1.0, regarding the calculation of baseline emissions. This correction is effective immediately and will be incorporated into the next version of the document.
This methodology is applicable to project activities that use waste CO2 as a feedstock in the production of concrete. Such project activities reduce greenhouse gas emissions in two ways:
- First, project activities incorporate waste CO2 into concrete, which lowers emissions by capturing gas that would have otherwise been emitted to the atmosphere, and permanently embedding it in concrete.
- Second, project activities lower the amount of cement required in the production of concrete compared to traditional production processes, further reducing emissions because cement production is highly energy and carbon-intensive.
This methodology is applicable globally and utilizes a positive list for determining additionality.
Development History
VM0043 Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production, v1.0
Status: Active since 5 April 2021
Developer: CarbonCure Technologies
Dates of Public Consultation: 30 April 2019 to 30 May 2019
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report(s): N/A
Correction: Corrections on VM0043, v1.0 (PDF)
Public Comment
This methodology was open for public comment from 30 April 2019 until 30 May 2019. No comments were received.