
Inactive 11 September 2023

Outcome Label

Pending Methodology Update

Sectoral Scope

14. Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

Verra has inactivated this methodology in accordance with Section 5 of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process v4.3 (PDF), given that no projects using the methodology have been registered within five years of the last update or review. See the announcement, Verra Conducts Quality Review of VCS Methodologies, Inactivates 10 with Low or No Use, for more details. The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months in accordance with Section 3.21.3 of the VCS Standard v4.5 (PDF).

This methodology quantifies the greenhouse gas benefits from the implementation of preventative early burning activities in the miombo woodlands of the Eastern Miombo ecoregion of Africa, including regions of Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. Preventative early burning activities burn with lower intensity and remove fuel load from more intense late season fires. This process results in lower tree mortality and net biomass growth.

Use of the GapFire model projects the growth and mortality of individual trees under different fire regimes and supports a comprehensive set of instructions for determining burn probabilities. Potential revisions to this methodology could recalibrate the GapFire model to include other dry forest ecoregions.

Development History

VM0029 Methodology for Avoided Forest Degradation through Fire Management, v1.0
Status:  Active from 8 May 2015 to 11 September 2023
Grace period: The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months from the date of inactivation.
Developer: Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative
Dates of Public Consultation: 25 March 2015 to 24 April 2014
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: VM0029, v1.0 First Assessment Report (PDF), VM0029 Second Assessment Report, v1.0 (PDF)