Inactive 11 September 2023
14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)
Verra has inactivated this methodology in accordance with Section 5 of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process v4.3 (PDF), given that no projects using the methodology have been registered within five years of the last update or review. See the announcement, Verra Conducts Quality Review of VCS Methodologies, Inactivates 10 with Low or No Use, for more details. The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months in accordance with Section 3.21.3 of the VCS Standard v4.5 (PDF).
This methodology applies to project activities in which drained tropical peatlands are rewet through the construction of permanent and/or temporary structures (e.g. dams) which hold back water in drainage waterways. As such, this methodology is categorized as a Restoring Wetland Ecosystems (RWE) methodology.
This methodology quantifies the reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions due to decreased oxidation of soil organic material that occurs as a result of project activities. Emissions from nitrous oxide (N2O) are conservatively excluded from this methodology since project activities increase the water table in comparison to the baseline, and thus such emissions will be equal or lower as a result of project activities.
The quantification of emission reductions is based primarily on outputs from the Simulation of Groundwater (SIMGRO) model which estimates the water table depth based on a range of input parameters such as terrain characteristics, peat thickness and climate variables.
This methodology is applicable to projects in Southeast Asia; specifically, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Papua New Guinea.
Development History
VM0027 Methodology for Rewetting Drained Tropical Peatlands, v1.0
Status: Active from 10 July 2014 to 11 September 2023
Grace period: The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months from the date of inactivation.
Grace Period: The grace period for listed projects to complete validation is six months from the date of inactivation.
Developer: WWF-Germany
Dates of Public Consultation: 13 December 2011 to 12 January 2012
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: VM0027, v1.0 First Assessment Report (PDF), VM0027, v1.0 Second Assessment Report (PDF)