7. On Hold 21 August 2024
14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)
VM0012, v1.2 quantifies the GHG emission reductions generated by improving forest management and preventing logging in temperate and boreal forests. Specifically, the methodology quantifies GHG emission reductions from Logged to Protected Forest (LtPF) activities, or activities that protect logged or degraded forests from further logging or that protect unlogged forests from future logging.
The proposed revision involves expanding VM0012 to be globally applicable beyond temperate and/boreal forests.
Summary of Development
The methodology idea note was submitted by New Zealand Forestry Removals Limited (external) and is currently on hold as per Section 3.1.7 (2) of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, 4.4 (PDF). The methodology idea note was put on hold due to:
- Potential for incorporating this content into the major revision to VM0012 (M0328).
Stakeholders interested in collaborating during methodology development or developing projects that this methodology might enable are encouraged to contact methodologies@verra.org. Please include the Methodology Development ID# M0322 in the subject line.