Under Development
13. Waste handling and disposal
Biochar is a carbon-rich, solid material made from feedstock biomass that offers compelling climate benefits. When incorporated into soils, it is 10 to 100 times more stable than the feedstock from which it was produced, and a substantial amount of biochar’s organic carbon will persist in soil for decades to millennia. Biochar also offers environmental and agricultural benefits such as nutrient retention, improved water holding capacity, and increased aeration.
The methodology provides a framework for quantifying emission reductions and removals from:
- Improved waste handling practices that result in the production of biochar from feedstock biomass;
- The use of biochar in soils; and
- Certain non-soil material applications such as cement or asphalt.
On 10 August, Verra hosted a webinar to introduce the proposed methodology.
Public Comment
This methodology was open for public comment from 10 August 2021 through 8 September 2021.