
9. Archived

Sectoral Scope

14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)

Development ID#


The proposed AFOLU ARR methodology is intended to determine baseline and project related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon pools for projects that convert agricultural and grazing lands to forest plantations. The methodology includes modules for determining (or alternatively excluding) a number of carbon pools including: above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, dead wood, litter, soil organic carbon and wood products. It also considers the GHG effects of the burning of biomass, if present. The methodology borrows heavily from already approved CDM methodologies and tools, but also includes a new agricultural leakage tool that systematically examines integrated agricultural applications & draws upon carbon pool & leakage modules from the pending VCS methodology “REDD Methodology Framework” (which is now being validated).

Public Comment

This methodology was open for public comment from 18 May 2009 until 16 June 2009. Public comments are closed.