Letter from CEO David Antonioli

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

We are almost halfway through 2012 and we have made significant progress toward key goals we set ourselves at the beginning of the year. So far we have released requirements for Standardized Methods and for our new project pipeline as well as draft rules for crediting wetlands and Jurisdictional REDD+. We have also staffed our new Latin America office and extended our outreach efforts in Asia and North America; and we are hiring several new positions to continue expanding our work. Among other positions, we are seeking a REDD+ Coordinator to support jurisdictional REDD pilots and a senior program officer to lead our efforts to increase VVB oversight and support.

Below is a quick overview of where key initiatives stand at this moment – as well as a preview of VCS speaking engagements at Carbon Expo this week. We hope to see many of you in person at Carbon Expo and to hear your thoughts and ideas on how VCS can continue responding to market and stakeholder needs.


David Antonioli

Program Updates

Open for Comment: draft Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) requirements

Draft requirements for Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ will remain open for public comment until 2 July. We invite and encourage all stakeholders to read the requirements and submit comments by the deadline. The JNR requirements will set out rules for accounting and crediting emission reductions or removals from REDD+ activities and programs across multiple levels – national, subnational and/or project levels. When the requirements are finalized and released, they will constitute the first crediting platform for integrated, nested REDD+ activities. Review the draft requirements and watch the JNR webinar.

Coming soon: manual for Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs)

In May, VCS released a new draft manual for Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs) to the VVB community for review. The manual provides new guidance designed to help VVBs ensure a consistent approach in the validation/verification of VCS projects and the assessment of new methodologies. The VVB manual is part of a larger effort to ramp up oversight and support for VVBs worldwide.

Webinar: Wetlands Restoration and Conservation (WRC) draft requirements

On 13 June, VCS will host a webinar on forthcoming requirements for crediting wetlands restoration and conservation (WRC) activities. Stakeholders are encouraged to attend the webinar and also submit comments on draft requirements, which are posted on the VCS website and remain open for public comment until 23 June. The WRC requirements set out rules for crediting activities in a range of wetlands areas, including mangroves, salt marshes, sea grasses, freshwater tidal coastal wetlands, floodplains, peatlands and potentially other areas. The WRC requirements expand eligible activities in the AFOLU sector. Register for the webinar or see the draft WRC requirements.

New methodology pipeline

Methodology Revision: Improved Management in Temperate, Boreal Forests

On 4 May, VCS methodology VM0012 was revised to apply to projects on public lands. The methodology was previously limited to projects on private, fee simple properties. For more details, see the announcement.

VCS Association updates

VCS is seeking qualified candidates to fill several positions

VCS is seeking qualified candidates to fill several new and challenging roles. Below is a short list of current openings – see the jobs page for more details, including deadlines for submitting expressions of interest.

  • Communications Director to oversee the growth and expansion of the VCS communications and marketing program
  • Senior Program Officer to direct the expansion of oversight and support for validation/verification bodies (VVBs)
  • REDD+ Coordinator to support the implementation of JNR pilot programs worldwide

Carbon Expo: Join us in Cologne 30 May – 1 June

Key VCS staff will attend Carbon Expo 2012 in Cologne this week. Find us at the VCS booth or at one of the event sessions or side events below.

  • How Standardization Can Improve the Efficiency of Carbon Crediting Wednesday 30 May 8:30 a.m. (Jerry Seager, Chief Program Officer)
  • China: Helping Industry Prepare for an ETS Wednesday 30 May, 1 p.m. (Will Ferretti, Senior Policy Advisor)
  • Harmonization of Standardized Approaches Across the Carbon Market Thursday May 31 at 10:30 a.m.(Jerry Seager, Chief Program Officer)
  • Voluntary Market for Emission Credits: How Much Does Robustness Matter? Thursday May 31 at 11:45 a.m.(David Antonioli, CEO)
  • Harnessing the Voluntary Market to Fill the Regulatory Vacuum Friday 1 June 9 a.m. (David Antonioli CEO)

See the Carbon Expo conference program (pdf)