The deadline to apply has been extended to June 23.

Verra is establishing a new Ocean Carbon Working Group (WG) and invites interested stakeholders to apply. The working group aims to identify and develop updates to VCS Program rules and requirements related to ocean-based activities, including macroalgal cultivation, seabed management, alkalinity enhancement, electrochemical approaches, nutrient fertilization, artificial upwelling, and artificial downwelling.

Verra manages the world’s leading greenhouse gas crediting program and has developed the first blue carbon conservation methodology. As such, Verra is uniquely positioned to develop rules and requirements that enable the development of high-integrity projects using these ocean-based approaches for climate change mitigation. In response to the urgent need for scientifically robust and market-oriented nature-based solutions, the purpose of the Ocean Carbon WG will be to offer guidance on relevant standards-related topics, including:

  1. Providing technical input on various updates to VCS Program rules so they enable the certification of projects implementing ocean-based activities;
  2. Considering additional approaches to the VCS Program’s fundamental processes (such as monitoring and verification) for improved alignment with ocean system dynamics; and
  3. Evaluating opportunities, challenges, and risks related to the successful development and scaling of ocean-based carbon project activities and technologies.

We are seeking a diverse group of global experts representing academic institutions, government agencies, multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, and VCS Program stakeholders (e.g., project developers, validation/verification bodies, and corporate buyers). Members will be selected to maximize diversity across geography, profession, expertise, gender, age, and other attributes.

More information about desired qualifications, group composition and operation, time commitments, and application instructions can be found in the Ocean Carbon Working Group Terms of Reference.

We invite stakeholders to apply by 9 June 2023. We expect to finalize the selection of Ocean Carbon Working Group members by late June 2023 and convene the first meeting soon thereafter.