For over a decade, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace (EM) has been tracking global carbon markets with its Global Carbon Survey and has used the results to prepare valuable, comprehensive reports (e.g., State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets). Recently, EM enhanced many aspects of its survey platform. For example, survey respondents now have the flexibility to self-identify the reporting frequency (ranging from annual to daily) that works best for their organization. In addition, the survey questions have been refined and expanded to reflect recent market developments related to topics such as market prospects, the Taskforce for Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets, Article 6, Jurisdictional REDD+, and COVID-19.
Verra strongly encourages carbon offset project developers, traders, investors, and intermediaries worldwide to respond to EM’s Global Carbon Survey!
If your organization has already received login credentials, please go ahead and respond to the Global Carbon Survey. All other organizations seeking to report are required to first enroll. Inquiries can be directed to
Please note: while the initial deadline for data to be included in the first installment of the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2021 has passed, respondents can still participate in the survey. All data will be integrated into the new EM Data Intelligence & Analytics Dashboard and will also be included in subsequent installments of the main report. These updates will be published throughout the remainder of 2021.
Verra Reinstates Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project