Kelley Kizzier
Kelley Kizzier is a fellow at the Bezos Earth Fund. She was formerly the Vice President of Global Climate at the Environmental Defense Fund. She is a renowned expert on European and international climate policy and was the European Union’s (EU) lead markets negotiator in the International Climate Negotiations for 14 years. Prior to joining EDF, Kelley was an independent consultant, and her clients included the Government of Ontario, the Western Climate Initiative, the World Bank, the European Commission, and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. From 2010 to 2017, Kelley was part of the European Commission’s Directorate General Clima where she designed and implemented EU policy on international carbon credits; aviation; maritime; land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF), and non-Emissions Trading System targets. Previously, Kelley was the Senior Manager implementing EU and International Climate Policy EPA in Ireland (2004-2010) and also served as the country’s Focal Point for the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation respectively.