VCS Version 4 first consultation
Consultation overview
The consultation was guided by a VCS Version 4 Consultation Roadmap. The Consultation Roadmap set out a catalogue of proposals which make up the core of VCS Version 4. For each proposal, we prepared an individual consultation document which sets out the background and details of each proposal, upon which feedback was welcomed.
Consultation Documents
- Revision to Scope of the VCS Program (PDF)
- Domestic Climate Contribution (DCC) (PDF)
- Update to Project Crediting Period Requirements (PDF)
- Update to VVB Accreditation Recognition (PDF)
- Project Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Contributions (PDF)
- Streamlining the Methodology Approval Process (PDF)
- Update to AFOLU Requirements (PDF)
- Reorganizing and Restructuring VCS Program Documents (PDF)
Public Comment
The consultation ran for 60 days, ending on 16 July 2018.
Additional Resources
Verra hosted a webinar on Thursday, 31 May 2018 to introduce the consultation.
Introduction to VCS Version 4 Consultation Slides (PPTX)
A list of resources used to inform the “Revision to Scope of VCS Program” proposal is available here: